It has been an extraordinarily long two weeks which is evident in the fact that I've only managed to finish one Marine. The squad Sergeant was just begging to be painted up to make the squad look more like a unit rather than a rag-tag of troops.
The following photos show that there is still a little bit of touching up to do and I certainly have over-exposed the photos themselves due to taking the photos before work while it was still dark.
With the red helmet, the Sergeant is clearly
distinguishable from the other Marines.
Considering that the other Marines in
his squad have red eyes, I've had to go for an orange eye just to try and keep
them looking similar. A friend suggested going green but having my Sergeants
stand out as having completely different coloured visors would annoy me.
The sword is definitely still needs a lot of work with some blending and highlighting but the overall effect will be of a much more powerful sheen.
Again, the effect I was looking for
with the plasma gun has not exactly worked and will need a few more small coats
to really finish. A white highlight is the next course of action though.
You will also note that I have finally drilled out their barrels and although it did take a few practice attempts I now have it down to an art.
The plasma gunner (below) has taken a
bit of damage to his shoulder pad - this is only a work in progress as I'm not
going to paint it properly until I've decided what markings will be on that